female composer, living composer, American composer, oboe, unaccompanied oboe

Wood Song for Solo Oboe- Jenni Brandon

Learn more about Jenni Brandon on her website, www.jennibrandon.com, from which the below is quoted:

“Wood Song for solo oboe (2019) by Jenni Brandon was inspired by the Sara Teasdale (1884-1933) poem of the same name. It tells of the wood thrush bird as well as the poet’s honesty of kissing life “scars and all”. Listen for variations and interpretations on the wood thrush’s ethereal and mysterious sounds, telling the journey of a soul through poem and music.”

  • Composer / Author Jenni Brandon
  • Country / Culture of Origin USA
  • Duration 7 mins
  • Date
  • Time Signature
  • Range
  • Tempo
  • Key
Instrument: Wind instruments
Ensembles: Uncategorized
General Music: Uncategorized
Composition & Songwriting: Uncategorized
Production/Technology: Uncategorized
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