female composer, living composer, American composer, English horn, unaccompanied

In the City at Night for Solo English Horn- Jenni Brandon

Learn more about composer Jenni Brandon from her website, www.jennibrandon.com, from which the below description is quoted:


“In The City At Night (solo English horn sheet music) was written at the request of Ryan Zwahlen, oboe and English horn player with the Definiens Project…He was searching for new literature for the English horn and wanted to increase the repertoire by requesting composers to write new pieces for him to perform and record.I wanted to write him a piece that uses the lovely, lyrical range of the English horn while at the same time composing something that was also rhythmically fun to play. In The City At Night focuses on just that; it is at times playful and fast like many lights blinking on just after dusk in the city. At other times it is quiet and serene like the city streets that are empty at the early hours before dawn. In creating this world I wanted the listener to be left with thoughts and impressions of a city after dark, and the lone voice of the English horn telling the story of a night adventure on the city streets.”

  • Composer / Author Jenni Brandon
  • Country / Culture of Origin USA
  • Duration 6 mins
  • Date
  • Time Signature Multi
  • Range B3-D6 written
  • Tempo Improvisatory
  • Key G major
Instrument: Wind instruments
Ensembles: Uncategorized
General Music: Uncategorized
Composition & Songwriting: Uncategorized
Production/Technology: Uncategorized
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