female composer, living composer, American composer, bassoon, wind music, unaccompanied bassoon solo

Colored Stones for Solo Bassoon- Jenni Brandon

Learn more about composer Jenni Brandon on her website, www.jennibrandon.com, from which the below description is quoted:

“Colored Stones for solo bassoon tells the story of three stones: smoky quartz, lapis lazuli, and tiger’s eye. Some cultures and spiritual practices believe these stones have powerful qualities such as the ability to heal, protect, and offer spiritual guidance. The bassoon explores these beautiful stones’ unique qualities.

It is an honor to be chosen as the winner of the 2014 Bassoon Chamber Music Composition Competition and to have this work premiered by Susan Nelson.

This work is available for purchase through Imagine Music Publishing.”

  • Composer / Author Jenni Brandon
  • Country / Culture of Origin USA
  • Duration 8 mins
  • Date
  • Time Signature
  • Range
  • Tempo
  • Key
Level: Advanced
Instrument: Wind instruments
Ensembles: Uncategorized
General Music: Uncategorized
Composition & Songwriting: Uncategorized
Production/Technology: Uncategorized
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